How to Setting Up Google Analytics in WordPress


Would you like to know where and how many viewers are coming to the website? Yes, if you are a blogger, and you are struggling for traffic then it is important for you to know it. In this article, we will share how to setting up Google Analytics in your WordPress site.


Why are Google Analytics important?

There can be a main goal of creating a website. Such as launching e-commerce business, sharing your experience etc.

If you are starting blogging then your primary purpose should be to get traffic and subscribers. After getting traffic, it is also important to know where the viewers are coming from and what content they are enjoying more.

Without this information, it is difficult to determine whether the content you are creating is taking you closer to your goal. Google Analytics helps you to know website stats.

There are lots of websites available for web analytics. But I would advise you to use Google Analytics. One of the best feature of Google analytics is the fact and it’s free.

How does Google Analytics Works

Google Analytics uses a piece of JavaScript tracking code to collect data about website visitors on your website. Once Google Analytics is setup on your website, Google Analytics cookie leaves the user’s browser for your website. It helps in tracking every activity that users  are performing on your website.

The tracking code runs in the user’s browser when users browse on your website (If java script is enabled in the browser). This tracking code stores the user’s data and puts it in the Google server.

Setting Up Google Analytics in WordPress

Signup Google Analytics

Firstly, you will have to sign up in Google Analytics, for that you have need a Google account. If you have a Google account then learn how to signup in google analytics.

Enter details in Google Analytics

Once the signup process is complete, you will need to enter the account details like- website name, website’s url, country and time zone.

Once you have entered the information, click on the get tracking ID button. In doing so, you will see Google Analytics’ term end service in front of you. Here you have to go ahead by clicking on “I Agree” button.

Now, you will be presented with tracking code for your google analytics. You can copy this tracking code because you will need to enter the WordPress website. It depends on you which method are used to enter the code on the website.


How to Insert Google Analytics in WordPress

There are many different way to set up Google Analytics in WordPress. Let us tell you three simple ways in this article. That’s easy for a beginner.

Use Google Analytics by MonsterInsights

First of all we talk about MonsterInsights. MonsterInsights is most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It is easiest way to add Google Analytics in WordPress. Over 2 Million WordPress site use it.

The first thing you have to do is install and activate the Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights plugin. For more details learn how to install plugin in WordPress.

Authenticate Google Analytics with MonsterInsights

Method 1.

This is the method recommended by monster insights. Because it’s quickly and easy.

To get started, click on Insights>>setting in left side of WordPress dashboard menu.

Now you can click on Authenticate with your Google account button to started process. In the next step appear google sign in screen. After sign in Google account click on Allow button to give MonsterInsights access to your Google Analytics data. Next select website profile you want to authenticate with MonsterInsights.

After complete all previous step, now click on the I’m not a robot at last option. And click on complete Authenticate. The process of authenticate has been completed.

It can take up 24 hour to display your data on the MonsterInsights dashboard.

Method 2.

If you have problems with the automatic authenticate setup, you can enter the tracking code manually. You can find your tracking code ( formate: UA-00000-01) in Google Analytics.

Now that you know your tracking ID, you can head to the Insights » Settings menu in your WordPress dashboard again.

Then, click the Click here to authenticate manually link. This was the second method. You can use  one of these for Google Analytics with MonstrInsights.

Google Analytics with Insert Header and Footer Plugin

These are not as useful as MonsterInsights, nor are so convenient of MonsterInsights. Yet people use it to see data analytics.

First you need to install and activate Insert Headers and Footers plugin. After activate plugins click on setting>>Header and Footer page. You need to paste the copied Google Analytics tracking code into the header section. And click on save button to save data setting.

Install Google Analytics in WordPress Theme

This method may be a bit risky, the php information is needed to use it. You can also do for Google Analytics. But I do not recommend to use it. The code may disappear whenever you update the theme. Which will require you to run your Google Analytics settings again and again.

Add code in header.php file

Edit in the header.php file and paste copied code ( Tracking code) after <body> tag. And click on save change button. Google Analytics has joined your website. You can now view statistics by signing in Google Analytics.

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