How to Send Confirmation Emails to Users in WordPress

Send Confirmation Emails

Would you like to send confirmation emails to your users after they’ve submitted the form?

Send Confirmation Emails to Users in WordPress

It’s the best way to satisfy the user. Because when users receive a confirmation email after filling the form, they believe that this website is responsive.

In this article, we’ll teach you how to send confirmation emails to website users once they’ve completed your online forms.

Once, we set up it on our website to send confirmation emails to users. Let’s have a look at the utility of sending a confirmation email.

Welcome emails also help to get more touchpoints with new subscribers. Brands invite new subscribers to follow them on social media, or respond to a survey with their personal data and complement their customer profile.

The Importance of Sending Confirmation Emails

A confirmation email is not only to console users. Rather it’s the first step to establish a good relationship with the users.

  • Expect good relationship with visitors: Sending users via confirmation email, Thank you for joining us or other similar messages, is not enough. If you want a better relationship with them, then the user should expect more from you in the future by joining you.
  • Send additional helpful link: You can provide a link to help them according to their needs, users may get more benefit from reading that article.
  • Email address validated: If an email can’t be delivered or it bounces. It means the email address isn’t correct or the user has made a mistake in registering.
  • Email automation: Confirmation emails are a part of automated email. Which helps users to maintain trust on your website.

Now that you follow the above issues, you will install an email confirmation facility on your website by following a few more steps.

Click here to using confirmation email features with Formidable Forms

Create WordPress Form

Firstly, you’ll need to install and activate the FormidableForms plugin. For more details, follow step by step guide on How to install WordPress Plugin.

Once you have installed Formidable Forms is a WordPress form plugin, you need to create the form as your required. In general, you can include an email address field and a confirmation field in your form.

Create Form in Formidable Form

Set Up Confirmation Email

On the Form Builder page, click on the Actions & Notifications tab under the Setting page. Here, you can create a message to suit your specific needs.

Send Email Under Notification in Formidale Forms

Now, you’ll need to fill some form fields for the settings, follow all the steps below for the set up of confirmation email.

  1. Give your email information Label for easy reference. The label will only be seen on the back-end.
  2. Why sending this email? select one or more of following from Trigger This Action When Dropdown.
  3. Enter one or more email addresses in the TO box. The only formats that can be used are “”. To send the same notification to multiple recipients, separate them with a comma. by default [Admin_Email] shortcode will be inserted in TO box.
  4. Next, if you want other people to get a copy of the message too, click CC. Enter the email address in the CC that appears. Also, if you do not want others to show the recipient, click BCC and enter the email address.
  5. Insert the sender’s name and email address in the From box. By default, your website name and admin email address from your WordPress General Settings page will be used.
  6. If you want to reply to a different email address other than one of the message was send from, click on Reply-To and enter the email address.
  7. Now add subject in the Subject box. If you leave empty subject box, emails will use ‘[Form name] Form submitted on [Your site name]’.
  8. The Message box contains a message in shortcode as the default email that all users receive an honor message. However, you can use it as your custom message with shortcode configures.

Customize the Email Message

Add anything you would like before or after [Default Message] short-code. If you want to modify the default message then go to the default message parameters section.

Customize the default message by selecting “Default HTML or Default Plains” from the Model options box. This code isn’t dynamic and not updates automatically if the field is added or removed from your form.

Customize the Colors

From the ‘Formidable-Style’ page to the default email notification, you can change the background, color, font size. Customize the color and font size in email notification by reaching the style setting option.

Color Customize for confirmation Emails in Formidable

Confirmation email services can be used on the free version of Formidable. But Formidable Pro allows you to integrate with all your favorite email platforms: MailChimp, Aweber, Constant Contact, MailPoet, ActiveCampaign more.

In addition, check out our important article learn how to grow email lists and connect your form with email marketing tools.

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