How to Use reCAPTCHA to Prevent Spam on WordPress Form

Prevent Spam on your Website

Do you want to prevent spam submissions on your website. So you should protect your contact form or other form with reCAPTCHA.

Prevent Spam on Your Website

ReCAPTCHA prevents spammers from filling out forms on your website. Which allows you to add human verification technology to your forms. WPForms makes it easy to add reCAPTCHA to your forms.

In this article, we will show you how to add reCAPTCHA on your WordPress form to prevent spam.

Before that, let’s know what is reCAPTCHA:

What’s reCAPTCHA

reCAPTCHA is a free service provided by Google that protects your website from spam and abuse. It’s automated Turing testing techniques to humans and bots apart.

There are three types of reCAPTCHA to choose from when creating new sites:


reCAPTCHA v3 allows you to verify if any conversations are valid without any user interaction. It is a JavaScript API that returns a score to you, giving you the ability to take action in the context of your site.

reCAPTCHA v3 (I’m not robot)

These are in the form of the “I’m not a robot” checkbox option that requires the user to click on the checkbox to prove “I’m not a robot”. It will either pass the user immediately or challenge them to authenticate whether they are human or not. In addition, it is the easiest option, requiring only two lines of HTML to integrate with and render the checkbox.

reCaptcha chechbox

reCAPTCHA v2 (Invisible reCAPTCHA Badge)

The user does n’t requires to click any checkbox for the invisible reCaptcha Badge. Instead it applies when users click on an existing button on your website.

invisible reCaptcha badge

When any applications are submitted, the above image will appear briefly. Because this feature analyzes submitted activities. After a few moments, this feature ensures that submissions are made by a genuine candidate. After this, the image will be rejected and the submission will be completed.

How to Use reCAPTCHA in WordPress Forms to Prevent Spam

We have obtained more information about reCaptcha above, now we need to know how to add it to our WordPress form.

So let’s see all the steps to connect reCaptcha to WordPress form to prevent spam:

Firstly, you should have a good contact form plugin that supports reCaptcha. If you have any such form plugins then good thing.

If not, we will recommend you to as the best WordPress form plugin. Here, you find WPForms Pro version the most accurate choice for your needs.

You should install and activate it on your WordPress website. In addition, license access is required to access all features of WPForms.

Get reCAPTCHA Keys from Google

To get started, you’ll login to your WordPress site and go to WordPress » Settings. Then click on reCATPCHA tab under setting.

reCAPTCHA setting in WPForms

Now, you can go ahead and select the type of reCaptcha you want to use for your website.

After that, you will need some keys here to connect the reCAPTCHA to your WPForms. To get the keys you need, you have to set up the reCAPTCHA in your Google account. To start this setup process, you’ll need to open Google’s reCaptcha landing page.

Before open landing page, you’ll asked to sign in to your google accounts. Now the page of ‘Register new site’ is open in front of you, where you should complete some options.

Let’s take a look at the right way to complete form:

Register site in Google
  • Level: These options are for name only, you can name anything here, however it would be appropriate to name the website.
  • reCAPTCHA type: This option will determine the type of reCaptcha to be selected. Select the type you want to use on your website.
  • Domain: Enter the URL where you are using the reCAPTCHA. Don’t include “http://www” at the start.
  • Owners: Leave this option intact.
  • Accept the reCATPCHA term and services: You must check this box to proceed.
  • Send alerts to owners: Unless you know a specific reason to turn this off, you can leave this box checked.

Once the form is complete, go ahead and click the submit button.

After registration, you’ll see a page with the keys required for your website. Here, you’ll need to copy site key and secret key.

Configure keys in WPForms

Once again you need to visit your WordPress site. In the WPForms settings, paste these key in the corresponding area under reCAPTCHA tab.

When you have added the reCAPTCHA key, you can adjust other optionally in the setting for it.

  • Fail Message: This error message will be visible to the user when they don’t pass the reCAPTCHA’s verification test.
  • Score Threshold (only for reCAPTCHA v3): This is the score at which you want the user to fail the reCaptcha v3 validation. The score can be between 0.0 (very likely to bot) to 1.0 (very likely to human).
  • No-Conflict Mode: If reCAPTCHA is being loaded on your site more than once. So this prevents the reCAPTCHA from working properly. Any conflicting mode will not remove any ReCAPTCHA code that is performed by WPForms. However, if you want to use this option, then we would recommend you to contact WPForms’s support team to improve its usage.

After completing the configure page, click the Save Setting button below to confirm the setting.

Adding reCAPTCHA to a Form

After following all the instructions above, you can now add reCAPTCHA to your WordPress form very easily.

Just a few more instructions need to be followed. So let’s have a look at those instructions:

Firstly, go ahead and create a new form or edit an existing form.

After opening the form builder (the form in which you want to add the reCaptcha), go to Setting » General and check the box Enable Google Invisible v2 reCAPTCHA.

Enable reCAPTCHA in your form to prevent spam

Lastly, click on Save button.

Now, you can add your contact form to your website with Google reCAPTCHA.

WPForms allow you to add your forms to many location on your website. You can place it on blog posts, pages and sidebar as per your convenience.

I hope this article helps you to prevents your site from spammers. Also if you liked this article, then you must share it with your friends. Also, follow us on Facebook and Twitter so that you can reach the next interesting article.


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