How to Use Lead Magnet to Growing Email List

Are you looking for an effective way to grow email lists. Lead magnet is an excellent way to create a list of true subscribers.

Lead magnet to grow email list

If we talk about email list then email list is one of the powrful and valuable assets for your business. But growing email lists can be challenging for some website owners.

People usually use the newsletter forms to grow their email list. However, this method is not enough to reach the real customers. Because often the visitors do not keep their interest in such places and ignore it.

You give people something free in exchange of email and permission so that you can continue sending them more stuff. So it is like catalysts for a new customer relationship in the end.

What’s Lead Magnet

Lead magnets are an incentive strategies that you provide marketers potential buyers in exchange for their email address or contact information. Under Lead Magnet, you can only provide digital or downloadable content such as PDFs, eBooks, videos, etc.

Before this, you have failed to create an email list using a variety of methods. So lead magnet would be needed to effectively create an email list.

What makes a good lead magnet?

There are three things to keep in mind when using your lead magnet. If you want it to be absolutely unique.

  1. Instant gratification: Your visitors are constantly looking for solutions to their problem. In such a situation, if your lead magnet helps to solve their problem, then you will be able to prepare a long list in no time.
  2. High perceived rate: Your lead magnet should have a mixture of both high value and high real value. Most viewers can’t be attracted to lead magnet from the free newsletter subscribers. Because they don’t consider it valuable. So you can use lead magnets to provide them downloadable content exchange of emails.
  3. Be a unique seller: When visitors are coming to your website, they should feel that they are buying from you instead of your competitors.

This is actually an important stage that you win by sending them to their solution. Therefore you can’t underestimate its importance for email list building.

Some High-Converting Lead Magnet Examples and Idea

To help you get some lead magnet ideas, we’ll start with some common types of lead magnets that you can take into examples of real industries as well as some more actionable ideas for specific industries.


Checklist is one of the preferred lead magnet ideas that are very easy to use. It is easy to create and provide the best results among other lead magnets.

The checklist consists the most highlighted and critical elements in comparatively short word count. This is very friendly to your audience, so you will be able to build a list of targeted customers with its help.

A checklist praovides a lot of vital and valuable information to the subscribers. It help them to discover flaws in their approach.


If you are thinking of providing downloadable content for your subscribers to learn more. So ebook is the best lead magnet option is that you can easily reach your real subscribers.

The length of the book depends entirely on your goals. Usually, It can be 15 pages for creative content and 30 pages for others.

So, if you have agency or planning to create an e-book then try to create a mini ebook pdf that can provide more informatiin in less amount of time.


Coupons are one of the best ways to get details from the user. And it is also considered as one of the effective methods of lead magnets. Also, if you offer users a certain discount in exchange of their email address, then they will definitely give you their information.

Generally, most people like to watch and understand online before shopping. In such a situation, if they come to your website, they will definitely try to redeem the coupon exchange of their email address.

Lead Generation Using Popups and Optin Forms

There are many effective ways of capturing leads apart from using the newsletter on the sidebar of the website.
Many times your visitors do not pay attention to the subscriber box on the sidebar.

There can be no better way to use the lead magnet than the popups and optin form. However, it also has its downside, in that many optin forms unattractive and failed to grab the attention of the visitors.

OptinMonster is the most popular lead generation software on the market. It allows you to create and A/B test high-converting optin forms for your WordPress site without hiring a developer.

OptinMonster has many options to create a lead magnet optin form where you can grow your email list fast.

Exit-Intent Lightbox Popup Form

OptinMonster is the best exit-intent technology provider tool. Using this technology you can detect your user’s mouse movement on your website, and show them a popup at the precise moment they’re about to leave.

Exit-Intent Popup form

You can provide a better lead magnet to your customers by using exit-intent technology which will be useful for growing your email list.

With exit-intent technology, you can grab an additional 2-4% of your visitors and turning then into email subscribers.

Fullscreen Welcome Gates

Fullcreen optins is also known as Welcome gate and Interstitial popups which allow you to display fullscreen a overlay on your content.

Welcome mat optin of OptinMonster also works with OptinMonster’s Exit-Intent technology. Exit intention detects user’s behavior and put the targeted optimis in front of them as if they are about to leave your site.

fullscreen lead magnet optin form

Welcome Gates helps in capturing customers’ attention on your website effectively. Fullscreen is one of the most sought after advertising spot because it converts extremely well. That’s why sites like Forbes, Inc and others use it.

Use Floating Bar for Lead Magnet

Floating bars are a special type of optin form that you can add to the top and bottom of your website. This is an effective and dynamic way of providing lead magnets to customers.

The bar appears as the user scrolls down on your website. This does not prevent the user from viewing your content. Furthermore, your users can also close or hide it if needed.

Floating bar for lead magnet

With OptinMonster you get the option to create many lead magnet forms so that you get your email list quickly. However, the best way to deliver your lead magnet entirely depends on your marketing strategy.

We hope that this session of article helped you learn how to deliver lead magnets to your subscribers using OptinMonster.

Start to create lead magnet optin form with OptinMonster.

Provide Lead Magnet via WPForms

Do you use WPForms as a form plugin on your WordPress website. If yes, you can provide lead magnets to your subscribers via contact form, newsletter form and other form.

So let’s following steps to provide Lead Magnet to customers through your WordPress forms.

Upload Lead Magnet file

Firstly, you need to upload downloadable content such as PDFs, videos, images etc. to your subscribers. To do this, go to Media »Add New and upload it to your website.

Upload media on your site

To hide the lead magnets from Google, you can use the robots.txt file of your site to make sure Google doesn’t index it.

For example, let’s assume that you want to hide PDF ebook form search engines with a URL like this:

To hide it from search engines, here is how you will add this URL to your robots.txt file.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /2020/04/ebook.pdf

Create Lead Magnet Form

Now, You’ll need to create form with WPForms. You can include contact form, newsletter form or other type of form in it which you can choose from template. To use more form template there is a need to take the WPForms Pro version.

For more details see our step by step guide on how to create contact form in WordPress.

If you don’t use any form plugin yet, I would recommend you for WPForms. .Because it allows you to create lead magnet form with state-of-the-art technology.

To do this, install and activate the WPForms plugin. You can learn how to install a WordPress plugin here.

You can add or customize the fields in your form as your requirements such as email, name, mobile no etc.

Newsletter lead magnet form

Set Up Confirmation Page as Lead Magnet

Once your visitors have join your list you can direct them to a page that confirms that they have been successfully added to your list. This is where visitors can download lead magnets.

So let’s see how to add lead magmat to the confirmation page.

To do this, firstly you have to go to the Media » Library and find the attached file to be uploaded on your website that will work as your lead magnet.

Then, copy the lead magnet’s URL.

Lead magmet's URL

After opening the form builder, the next step is to go to Settings » Confirmation.

From the Confirmation Settings page, you’ll be able to select from three Confirmation Type options:

  • Message
  • Show Page
  • Go to URL (redirect)

To provide a lead magnet via the message, in the message section, linked the lead magnet’s URL with the text you want.

Lead magnet on confirmation message

In addition, you have two more options to provide lead magnets as “show Page” and “Go to URL”.

Here you provide downloadable content for your visitors through your contact form or newsletter form. It can be a best option to lure subscribers and add them to your email list.


As an email marketer, one of your goals should be to bring more audience awareness and get them to believe.

Although it can be a difficult challenge, but not impossible. If you use a lead magnet, you can easily present your products with credibility among audience.

This is the reason that it is important to establish the right relationship with the potential customers. People, who do not know your website or brand provide you their email address in exchange for valuable things.

We hope this article helped you to learn how to grow your email list by using lead magnet. You may also see our ultimate guide on the 5 best WordPress plugins to grow email list.

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