10 Best Ways to Get More Instagram Followers as a True Audience

Instagram is a great idea to grow your business because business opportunities on Instagram are constantly increasing.

How to Get more Instagram followers

According to a study, 90% of the monthly 1 billion active users follow a business account on the platform. These figures are enough to give you an idea of how powerful Instagram is to grow a business.

But the biggest challenge is that unless you are well-famous, gathering a large number of followers can be a daunting task.

There are some organic ways that you can do to get more Instagram followers instantly.

In this article, we will discuss some useful organic strategies that will help you get true followers for your brand.

Genuine people only because the only valuable Instagram followers are the real people who care about and engage with your brand.
Gathering a large number of followers who don’t show interest and engagement in your brand is just a rumor. It will not help your Instagram strategy.

How to Get More Instagram Followers

1. Create and Optimize Instagram Bio and Profile

In the first step, you have to optimize your profile or bio to make it look good. And tell your potential followers who you are, and the reasons why they should follow you.

70% of Instagram business profile visits are from non-followers. These visitors can be new potential Instagram followers. All you have to do is convince them to click on the “follow” button on your profile or bio.

But you can do this only if your Instagram profile is attractive, clear and friendly to their nature.

Creating an Instagram profile includes a name, username, website and bio.

Leverage over 150 characters in your bio to convey your brand identity, so new visitors know the importance of following you. 

To create a username for your business, try to put your business name (if your business name is already taken)as the first part of your username.

By doing this, people searching for your business are more likely to come in contact with you. For example, Blue Heaven uses the username @blueheavencosmetics.

In addition, if you are creating your business account, you can add additional information such as business type, location, contact information, etc.

2. Use High-Quality Images 

Instagram is the most popular social sharing platform for photography. It is specially designed for photo and video (real) sharing.

A high-quality image that conveys the right message with looking professional can make a greater impact on visitors than a low-quality image.

In fact, a high-quality image is effective enough that 72% of Instagram users make a purchase decision after viewing a product on the platform.

In addition, Instagram is increasingly being used as one of the major customer service channels for businesses. Which is being used to connect with businesses on the consumer platform.

More than 200 million users from around the world visit business profile everyday.

So, it’s more important than ever, that you’re presenting a consistent and cohesive brand to the consumers. 

As such, a good high-quality image will help in getting brand awareness and more Instagram followers.

3. Use Relevant Hashtags to Reach New Users

Using hashtags is an effective way to attract more visitors to your Instagram posts and get more Instagram followers.

A hashtag is a word or a group of words preceded by a pound sign (#) that is like this: #instagramreels. Hashtags are used to organize content and make posts more discoverable on Instagram.

Usually, a hashtag is used on social media (Instagram or Twitter) so it acts as a clickable link. When someone clicks or searches for a specific hashtag, they are shown all the content tagged with that hashtag. If there are any posts or profiles of yours with that hashtag, they will get it and that can be an opportunity to connect with you.

In addition to discoverability, you can also use hashtags to build communities, run campaigns, search for your audience and find user-generated content among other things.

So, it’s important to have a solid hashtag strategy to get more Instagram followers. 

If you don’t use hashtags, you miss out on many opportunities to increase engagement and conversions to your brand.

4. Add Captions

Although we know that Instagram is a visual platform, writing a great caption plays a big role in helping you get more reach and engagement. 

There are some key strategies to use captions to increase Instagram followers:

  • Put important words in first: If the captions are longer than 125 words, the user has to tap “More” to read the whole thing. Make the first words impressive to inspire them to the “More” tab.
  • Ask a question: Another way to increase the shareability of your caption and engage your followers is to ask questions. Or put some kind of call-to-action on your photos.
  • Try emoji: As we all know that Instagram is a visual social network, emojis can help grab the attention of the readers.
  • Clever and funny comments: Make clever and witty comments to make you more human on Instagram like some brands and influencers. If possible, you can make suitable jokes for the audience.

With all these strategies, you should also use hashtags.

5. Set Up Regular Post Schedule

Most people come to Instagram or any other social site to spend time or have fun. In such a situation, instead of posting you at any time, it is a very good idea to schedule.

Before we prepare and schedule our posts it is important for you to know when your followers are more active on Instagram.

There are several ways to know when your followers are most active on Instagram. Some of them may also be paid tools that can help you figure this out.

To understand this, you go to your Instagram profile and click on Insights, here you get all the follower statistics. Here, you will get this information from where they are, when more traffic comes and what age people come more.

In addition, here you will find enough information that you are looking for to schedule posts for your post.

Practice over time and days to see what works with your audience. You can see that your target users are most active and engaged at different times.

When your followers are more active then publishing the post increases the chances of getting more new visitors. 

You can use HubSpot’s Marketing Hub to manage and schedule your posts.

6. Pin your best comments

Instagram has rolled out a new little-known feature which is the ability to pin up to three comments for each post.

You can use this new feature of Instagram as part of the plan on how to get more followers on Instagram. 

Comments can be important to your post in that it can take your conversation head. Comment allows you to caption your story to more than 2200 characters, providing options for a well-detailed and in-depth description of your product.

Pin your favourite comment from other users using this new pin feature of Instagram. Especially if they’re generating a lot of engagement.

Whichever way you use the new feature, it manages conversation on your posts as they progress. This creates more engagement with the visitors which increases the chance of getting more followers.

7. Run Ads

One of the main ways to increase Instagram followers is to run paid ads that you can focus on. 

It is a very easy way to earn target people by running paid ads if ad is organized properly. It is very easy way to earn target people by running paid ads, if the ad is organized properly.

However Instagram doesn’t offer the ability to optimise for followers like Facebook. Still, you can use advertisement for quality followers.

There are some tactics to brand grow followers on Instagram by paid ads:

  • Grow your target audience: Consider a lookalike audience who often follows brands on Instagram. Targeting a lookalike audience is a great way to reach additional followers.
  • Identify your top-performing organic posts: The easiest way to launch your advertising strategy is to get evaluate. You identify those posts which are doing organic work i.e. on which likes, shares and comments are coming. And use them as starting points for ad creatives.
  • Analyze, optimize, test and develop your social advertising strategy: Instagram is a visibility-based social media platform that attracts new post followers with informational or funny images. In such a situation, you need to establish your baseline and make assumptions based on performance.
    But when you see that the cost per click is high and the engagement rates are low, you can assume that the ads are not working as expected.

8. Create Content that Followers Want

Knowing what content followers want to see is not that easy. It’s smart to learn it though. Some content performs better than others on Instagram which is why testing is important.

Whether it’s the filter, caption, post type or post timing, small details can make all the difference. Analyze your account with new Instagram trends to know you’re posting popular content.

To take your analysis a step further, invest your brand in an Instagram analytics tool. This makes it easy to track, benchmark, and analyze Instagram content across accounts.

Be able to analyze filters, captions and more in your content strategy to work well with your audience. So that you can be sure where to start. 

Try to analyze your competitors as well to know how they are strategizing post that boost engagement. A little bit of research on your competitor can help you get ahead of them.

9. Create Reels with a Purpose

Reels on Instagram are the best way to attract new people. But that doesn’t mean you have to jump on every trend you see.

Reels are an Instagram feature that allows you to create short form video content. Which you can share with anyone on the platform for followers on Instagram.

To grow your quickest followers, you should publish more than four reels a week which should include high quality videos.

It is important to show your customers who you are in business. And where do your values, beliefs and your business come from. Reels are a great way to format your business as a short story.

Another great use of Instagram reels is to answer questions from viewers about your service or business. You can share the question box on your stories and let your followers ask questions. Then for answers, you can make short and funny videos using reels.

Video reels are Instagram’s newest and most popular feature that has evolved over a short period of time. You can attract more user and get more followers by sharing funny and creative reels videos.

10. Add Instagram Link to your Website and Email

You can use the Instagram icon in the social link in the footer or sidebar of the website. It’s an effective way to increase your followers on Instagram.

In addition, you can also link your brand’s Instagram account in your email signature, it’s also a great way to increase followers.

Use the plugin to feed your latest Instagram posts to your website.

Use the plugin to feed your latest Instagram posts directly to your website. It’s a great way for people who visit your website regularly. They also become your Instagram followers.


You should focus less on the number of followers in your campaign and more on the quality of the content you create. If you take the time to create engaging, informative and inspirational content without worrying about the growth of followers, your free Instagram followers grow naturally.

All successful marketers say that Instagram is a remarkable place for personal branding and sales. Any ordinary person with the right combination of strategy and effort can win big on this platform.

Whether you prioritize organic growth or want to accelerate results with ads, there are tons of options to grow followers on Instagram.

But I recommend that you avoid buying from fake followers and use the above tips to attract the audience and build your brand.

I hope this article will help you in increasing your Instagram followers. Also, you can see your other post how to increase website traffic.


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