How to Easily Use Event Tracking in WordPress with Google Analytics

How to Easily Use Event Tracking in WordPress with Google Analytics

Do you want to track the activity of your website user while they are on your website. But for more in-depth insights, you need to use event tracking. So today in this article we will show you how to add Google Analytics event tracking in WordPress.

How to use easily event tracking in WordPress

Event tracking allows you to measure user interaction on your website. These interaction includes activities such as clicking buttons, playing videos, downloading files and submitting forms.

Although, the setup process is bit tricky difficult for beginners, But Monsterinsights make it easy for everyone.

Why You Need Event Tracking?

By adding custom event tracking, you can track important links and call-to-action button results on your website. Which helps you to know how far you are from your goals.

Using this technology, you can know how your visitors are behaving with your website. This allows you to track all touch points, allowing you to identify unprofitable advertising spend. With which you can reduce the total costs without sacrificing revenue.

It also helps you find broken links and “due to poor user experiences”. Also, tracking affiliate events can also uncover relationships that aren’t working.

Google Analytics event tracking is an endlessly customizable feature of the Platform that allows you to track specifics user interactions with Lavels, Categories and Actions.

There are three main components and one optional component of an events

  1. Category: A category is a name that you supply as a way to group objects that you want to analyze. Typically the name of objects users interact with. Eg. “CTA” for call-to-actions buttons.
  2. Lavel: With lavel, you can provide additional information for an event that you want to analyze. Eg. “Buy Button” for your sidebar buttons.
  3. Action: Typically the name of type interactions. Eg. “Click” for the clicking buttons.
  4. Value (optional): The values component are integers and can be used to assign a numeric value to a page object. For example, you could use it to provide the time in seconds for an player to load.

Once it’s set up, Google Analytics records your call-to-action button as a custom event with the above values.

Setup Event in Google Analytics

Firstly, you need to create your event in your Google Analytics account. For this, you have to login to the analytics account and go to the dashboard then click on the Admin link at left side menu.

Note: If you have multiple websites under your analytics account, then make sure that you are viewing the dashboard for the site where you want to add the event.

Now you will see three columns under admin page. Click on ‘Goals’ link under ‘View’ column.

Next, click on ‘New Goal’ button to create Goal. From the Goal Setup options, you need to select ‘Custom’ option and then click on next button to continue.

Choose custom option to event tracking

This will take you to the Goal Description step where you will have to provide a title for your custom goal. It will help you to identify the Goals inside Google Analytics.

After Goal description, under Goal type, you need to select the event. After that click on ‘Next’ button to continue.

Now, you need to provide the goal details. You will to enter the event condition here. Complete the Category, Action, Label and Value options as per the image given below.

Event details in Google Analytics

Finally, click on the ‘Create Goal’ button to save and activate goal. Now you have successfully enabled event tracking im Google Analytics.

Now you will be able to track it in your analytics account. But right now it needs to be installed on your WordPress.

So let’s see how we will track it on the WordPress dashboard.

Install MonsteInsights and Connect with Google Analytics

MonsterInsights is the best google analytics plugin for wordpress that allow you monitoring audience activity report on your WordPress dashboard.

Therefore, firstly you need to install the MonsterInsights plugin on your WordPress website. For more, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once Monsterinsights is installed and activated, you’ll need to connect it to your Google Analytics account on your WordPress website.

To connect, go to Insights » Setting page from your WordPress dashboard menu.

Now you need to click on ‘Connect MonsterInsights’ in
Google Authentication section under General tab.

Connect MonsterInsights to GA

Now it will redirect you to the Google login page, where you will have to login with Google account details.

Next, click on Allow button to access to Google Anaytics data by using MonsterInsights. And select the website you want to authenticate with MonsterInsights.

Then click the ‘I’m not a robot’ option and click Complete Authenticate button to finish the proccess of connecting.

Monitoring Event Tracking in MonsterInsights

Monsterinsights has introduced a new Custom Link Attribution feature that allows you to add your custom links to event tracking.

With this new custom link attribution, you can track your call-to-action (CTA) button and find out what the conversion rate of this link is.

It’s easy to add custom event tracking to your WordPress custom links with Monsterinsights. Let’s say you want to track link clicks on the call-to-action buttons on your site. Below we will tell you how to set it.

Firstly, you need to add the following data-variable tags to the HTML in your link.

<a href="" data-vars-ga-category="cta" data-vars-ga-action="click" data-vars-ga-label="Buy button" >Buy Now</a>

Let us understand the event conditions that we have put in this code.

  • Category: “cta”
  • Action: “click”
  • Lavel: “Buy Now”

For example, we have putup a call-to-action button is a link to pricing page (

Now to view the data for your custom event tracking link in MonsterInsights, you need to go to the Insights» Reports» Publisher page.

If you have created a custom link for a particular page (, scroll down to see the top outbound link report for that link.

Custom event tracking for outbound link

Here, you can do event tracking for all the those links for which you want to monitor event tracking. In addition, you can see the number of clicks for affiliate link in the top affiliate links report under Custom Event Tracking.

Furthermore, Monsterinsights custom link attribution feature also supports Google AMP Pages. With which you can track the AMP page by adding it.

We hope that this article will help you in adding Google Analytics event tracking to your WordPress site. For another ways, you may also want to check out for adding event tracking using Google Tag Manager.

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