What is Google Analytics And How to Use Google Analytics

what is Google analytics

Google has a great support in the Internet world. Each user uses any of Google’s tools. Google offers its service for Individual and Business. Today we will learn about Google Analytics in this article. If you are the owner of the website then it is very important to know what are Google Analytics.

what is Google analytics

From the below given article, we will definitely know Google Analytics, let’s begin to know now.

What is Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the free web analytics service provided by Google.  That tracks of your website traffic inside the Google marketing platform. You also need website marketing tools with quality of content and SEO to become a successful blogger. As the marketing tools tell you, your website is getting the right traffic or not. Sometimes you do not receive traffic according to the target and we do not know about it. In such a way, the marketing tools tell you how much the visitor is coming from on your website. There are many tools available for this in the market.


Google analytics is a free web analytics tools. Everyone can use it, just have a Google account. If you have a Google Account, you can use it by signin.

Google Analytics Features

Analysts help you understand how visitors use your site and apps. So that you can take any action to improve their experience.


Through the report, try to understand how to use your website and apps. See first Audience Report, Behavior Report, Conversion Report, etc for the website or apps. Now comparison with the keywords and targets you set up. After looking at the report, you try to improve their experience.

Data Analytics and Visualization

Analytics provides many ways to access, organize, and visualize your data according to your business. Under this, you can find various types of reports such as Data Access, Fennel Analysis, Visualization and Monitoring.


Analytics is designed to work smoothly with other Google products and partners. Under this, you can use google ads, Display & Video 360 and many more services.

Setup Google analytics

If you have a Google Account, sign in to Google Analytics. Now you have to follow 3 important steps to set up Analytics.


After sign in, you will fill in your website information details. You can open 100 analytics account from a Google Account.

After providing website details, you will have to configure for some sharing data.

In the second step, you will get the tracking code and tracking id. This is must for every page of your website. It depends on what kind of websites you have, such as WordPress or someone else. If you use the WordPress website, you can use the header and footer plugin. Once you have successfully installed the tracking code on your website, you can check the stats of your website.

Benefits of Google Analytics

There are many benefits to using it, from which we have focused on something which is below.

It’s absolutely free

If you are taking web analytics tools from any other website, you may have to pay more than $ 30 a month. Here you are getting absolutely free. And this is the biggest reason that it is on top of other web analytics.

Able to Identify which Page or Link Click More Time by Visitors

Here are the ingenuities to identify which pages and links were clicked by Visitors more often. By which you will be able to know which pages are getting the traffic, and whether or not the SEO is being done according to your plan. Knowing this, you get help in improving your content or SEO.

Find Out Where are Your Users Coming From

Geographic location is an important option in web analytics. Which are needed for a website owner. With this help you will know how much traffic you are getting from the target country. This helps you to do business in the target country.

Able to Find Tune of Your Website

After viewing all types of reports, your website is able to improve SEO. After learning all the traffic, try to improve the page that gets less traffic. Now you will have the capacity to fine tune your website.

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