How to Setup Domain email with Gmail

In these days, it is more important to have a business email address than physical address. There are several ways to setup domain email with Gmail , and I’m sharing one of those ways. .

setup domain email with gmail

There are several ways to create your business email address.

Some popular service providers such as Gmail, Yahoo and Outlook which allow to create business email in free. However this does not offer option service.

Domain emails are considered as great as email commercials. Usually this month’s cost is $ 4-5. Today I will tell you in this article how to setup domain email with gmail in free.

Setup Domain email with Gmail

We’re going to do this just 5 easy steps.

1. Login to your domain provider’s website.

If you do not have any domains already, you will have to take the domain first. To take the domain, go to the website of namecheap or Godaddy where you get the domain in less money.

I’ve previously taken the domain with GoDaddy. So I’m going to login here.

godaddy login here

  • Where to buy domain names

2. Enable e-mail forwarding.

This will forward all E-mail coming to your business e-mail address to gmail. So to enable email forwarding to go on my product in Godaddy. Select workspace e-mail and click on the setup button and select your domain. E-mail forwarding has been added to your account.

Domain buy now from GoDaddy

Next click on the manage button of selecting domain. Now, click on Create Forward button to create Forward. Popup window open, Where you have to fill business email ( ) and Gmail address. So now we have created email forwarding.

3. Create Zoho email account.

Before creating account at Zoho know what are Zoho and why are we use it. “Zoho is a free email service, Which will handle sending of emails from your domain”.

By using Zoho, we can avoid making separate payments for your business email.

Open Zoho Website ( ) If you already have an account then sign in. If not already, then click on sign up to create an account.

4. verify your domain.

First of all, we have to select a Domain Provider Website in Zoho. I have chosen Godaddy here because my domain has been taken from Godaddy. After selecting the domain provider, some details will appear which we have to add to Godaddy DNS.

Now click on the domain dns in godaddy, then click the add button. Copy the cname given in Zoho and add it to godaddy dns.

After adding the CNAME, now click on the SPF/DKIM given on the left side of zoho. TXT hostname and value will now appear. Now let’s add to godaddy. In the previous paragraph I have been told how to add TXT here instead of CNAME.

5. Connect your zoho account with gmail.

This will allow gmail to send emails fro our domain.

Domain setup is complete Now you are setting up Gmail account. Open the gmail account and go to Settings. Now click on accounts and import ontop of gmail setting. Accounts and import in gmail

Next click on add another email address in send mail as option see the given screen shot.

add another email address

After clicking add another email then open popup window, Where you must fill out the domain email and name.

add domain email

Click on the next. Now gmail will ask you for server details.

server details

we need to enter these details from zoho. Copy the address in outgoing SMTP in zoho and paste in SMTP server in the gmail and select port 465 use the password here of zoho. Now gmail will send you confirmation email. Copy the confirmation code from gmail inbox and paste in here and click verify it.

Now Zoho connected with Gmail. Now your business email has been added to Gmail email. Now you can choose a Gmail address or business email address to send email to a Gmail account.





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